The Three Kingdoms: Welcome the Tiger Read online

Page 64

  At this time the reign-style of Wei was changed from the fifth year of Jing Yuan to the first year of Xian Xi. In the third month of that year, Ding Feng, the veteran general of Wu, seeing that Shu had already been destroyed, called back his relief force and returned to his own country.

  At the Wu court, an official named Hua Jiao said to the Emperor, “Wu and Shu were as close as are lips and teeth, and ‘when the lips are gone the teeth are cold.’ Without doubt Sima Zhao will attack us at any moment. I beg Your Majesty to strengthen the defenses to guard against his invasion.”

  The Emperor shared his view, so he appointed Lu Kang, son of the able commander Lu Xun, General–Guardian of the East, Prefect of Jingzhou, and entrusted him with the defense of the Yangtze. General Sun Yi was sent to hold the strategic points in and around Nanxu. As a further precaution hundreds of camps were set up along the riverbanks, with the veteran general Ding Feng in full control, to guard against Wei troops.

  When Huo Yi, Prefect of Jianning, heard that Chengdu had fallen, he put on a mourning robe of white and, facing west toward the capital, he wept for three days.

  “Now that the Emperor has lost his throne, why not surrender at once?” suggested his officers.

  Huo Yi replied in tears, “With all links cut, I don’t know the fate of our lord, whether he is safe or not. If the ruler of Wei treats him with courtesy, then it will not be too late for me to yield the city. But if the captors put him to shame, then it is my duty to die, but not to surrender.”

  The others agreed and a man was sent to Luoyang to find out the fate of their former ruler.

  It happened that when Liu Shan, the Second Ruler, reached the capital of Wei, Sima Zhao had already returned from Chang’an. At court Sima Zhao upbraided him: “You indulged yourself in dissipation, dismissed the wise, and misgoverned your country. For these faults you ought to be executed.”

  Hearing this, Liu Shan turned ashen with fear, not knowing how to respond.

  But the courtiers said, “Although he has misruled his country, he has fortunately rendered a timely surrender. He now deserves pardon.”

  Following their counsel Sima Zhao created Liu Shan Duke of Anle (Comfort), and assigned him a residence and a revenue, as well as a gift of 10,000 rolls of silk and a hundred maids and servants. His son, Liu Yao, and the officials who had accompanied him into exile were given noble ranks. Liu Shan thanked him and took his leave. But Huang Hao, for the crimes of undermining the country and oppressing the people, was cruelly put to death in public. When news of all this reached Huo Yi, Prefect of Jianning, he came with a retinue to yield to Wei.

  The next day Liu Shan went to the residence of Sima Zhao to express his gratitude again, and the latter gave a banquet to entertain him. At the banquet music and dances from Wei were performed first and all the guests from Shu felt sad—except Liu Shan, who looked quite at ease. Then Sima Zhao had artists from Shu perform their own dances and music before the guests. As they watched tears rolled down their faces, but their lord, utterly unaffected, laughed merrily.

  After drinking for some time, Sima Zhao said to Jia Chong: “How un-feeling he is! Even if Zhuge Liang had lived, he could not have maintained his rule for long, let alone Jiang Wei.”

  Turning to Liu Shan, Sima Zhao asked, “Do you miss Shu?”

  “I am so happy here that I do not miss Shu at all,” replied Liu Shan.

  Presently Liu Shan rose and left the table for a while. Xi Zheng followed him outside and said, “How could you say that you do not miss Shu, Your Majesty? If he asks you again, say in tears, ‘The tomb of my father is far away in Shu and not a single day passes without my heart grieving for the west.’ Then he will let you return to Shu.”

  Liu Shan memorized his words and went back to the banquet table. When he was a little intoxicated with wine, Sima Zhao raised the same question again, to which Liu Shan replied as he had been instructed. He also tried to weep, but failed to produce a tear, so he shut his eyes.

  “How come you sound so much like Xi Zheng?” remarked his host.

  “Yes, it is just as you say,” replied Liu Shan in surprise, opening his eyes.

  Sima Zhao and his attendants all laughed. This convinced Sima Zhao of Liu Shan’s honesty and felt that he had nothing to fear from him.

  He pursued pleasure and joy, his face lit with smiles;

  Ne’er did he have the slightest grief for his lost empire.

  Happy in an alien land, his home state out of his mind.

  How unfit he was to sit on the throne, all said.

  The courtiers of Wei thought that so grand an exploit as the conquest of the west was worthy of higher honor, so they petitioned the ruler of Wei to confer a princedom on Sima Zhao. At that time, Cao Huan ruled in name only, for all matters of the state were decided by Sima Zhao, whose will the Emperor himself dared not cross. And so, in due course, Sima Zhao became Prince of Jin.

  Sima Zhao’s wife was the daughter of Wang Su. They had two sons. The elder son was named Sima Yan, who was a man of a very powerful build, his flowing hair reaching to the ground when he stood up, and his arms hanging below his knees. He was intelligent, handsome, and very brave. The second son, Sima You, was of a mild disposition, a filial son, and a dutiful brother. His father loved him dearly. As Sima Shi had no heir, this youth became his adopted son to continue the family line.

  Sima Zhao respected his elder brother very much and used to say that the empire belonged to his brother. Therefore after he received the prince-dom, he wanted to name his younger son his heir.

  “It is improper to cast aside the elder and set up the younger,” objected one of his followers. “It will only cause trouble.”

  Jia Chong and two others argued in the same strain. “Your elder son is intelligent and imperial in appearance, with talents beyond his age. Men place high hopes in him and Heaven bestows him majestic looks. He is certainly destined not to serve under another.”

  Sima Zhao hesitated. But two other officials of rank also expressed their opposition. “In former dynasties, the installing of a younger son resulted in trouble for the country. Pray reflect upon this.”

  Finally persuaded, Sima Zhao named his son Yan his successor.

  At court a high-ranking official addressed Sima Zhao: “Some time ago a giant descended from the sky in the town of Xiangwu. The figure was twenty feet (six meters) tall and his footprint measured over three feet two inches (one meter). He had white hair and a hoary beard. He wore an un-lined yellow robe and a yellow scarf. In his hand he held a black-handled staff to help him walk. This extraordinary man declared, ‘I am the king of men and I have a message for you: When a change of ruler occurs, peace will reign at once. Then he roamed the town for three days and then suddenly vanished.

  “Evidently this indicates felicity to yourself, Your Highness. Now you should wear the imperial headdress with twelve strings of pearls, raise the imperial banner, and have the roads cleared when you go out. You should ride in the golden-shafted carriage with six horses. Your consort should be styled ‘Queen’ and your heir the ‘Heir Apparent.’”

  Sima Zhao was greatly pleased in his heart. He returned to his palace, but just as he was going to have his meal, he suddenly had a stroke and lost all speech. By the following day he was dying. Many court officials, led by the three most important courtiers Wang Xiang, He Zeng, and Xun Kai, came to inquire after his health, but he could not say a word. He pointed at his heir, Sima Yan, then died. It was the twenty-eighth day of the eighth month.

  He Zeng said, “The care of the state devolves upon the Prince of Jin—let us first put his heir in place. Then we can arrange for the funeral.”

  Thus Sima Yan was set up in his father’s place. He Zeng was appointed prime minister and three others were given important posts. The posthumous title of “Prince Wen” was conferred upon his late father, Sima Zhao.

  After the funeral rites were performed, Sima Yan summoned Jia Chong and Pei Xiu into his palace and said, “Cao Cao once said, �
�Even if Heaven’s mandate rests upon me, I will be another Duke Wen of Zhou.’* Did he really say that?”

  Jia Chong replied, “Cao Cao and his ancestors had long been in the service of Han. He said these words because he feared lest posterity should reproach him with usurpation. It was apparent that he intended to let his son Cao Pi become emperor.”

  “How did my father compare with Cao Cao?” asked Sima Yan.

  Jia Chong answered, “Although Cao Cao excelled in his achievements, yet people feared him for his power and credited him with no virtue. His son Cao Pi succeeded him, during whose rule forced labor was common and people were driven hither and thither without any peace for a single year. Later your grandfather and your uncle repeatedly scored great successes and treated the people with compassion, who had long regarded them as their leaders. Your late father overcame Shu in the west and his merit surpassed all throughout the country. How could Cao Cao compare with him?”

  Sima Yan said, “Cao Pi could continue the rule of Han—can I not continue that of Wei?”

  The two counselors bowed low and said, “It is perfectly right that Your Highness should take as a precedent Cao Pi’s inheritance of the rule of Han and do as he did. Erect an altar, make a proclamation to the whole country, and ascend the throne.”

  Sima Yan was delighted. The next day he entered the palace armed with his sword. Cao Huan, the Emperor, had held no court for several days, for he was feeling ill at ease and full of dread. When Sima Yan appeared, the Emperor hurriedly rose from his place and advanced to welcome him.

  Sima Yan sat down and asked, “By whose efforts did Wei win the kingdom?”

  “By the efforts of the father and grandfather of the Prince of Jin,” replied the Emperor.

  Sima Yan smiled. “Your Majesty, you have neither the talent of a scholar to run a government nor the skill of a commander to defend a kingdom. Why not step down and let another who is more able and virtuous rule?”

  The Emperor was dumbfounded. Beside him stood an official named Zhang Jie, who cried, “You are wrong to speak like this. In the old days, Emperor Wu (Cao Cao) fought east and west, north and south, and won the kingdom by strenuous efforts. The present Emperor is virtuous and without fault. Why should he yield his place to another?”

  Sima Yan replied angrily, “The imperial right belongs to the Hans, and Cao Cao coerced the Emperor and controlled the lords. He made himself Prince of Wei and usurped the throne of Han. Three generations of my forefathers upheld the house of Wei. It is well known that they owe their kingdom to the efforts of us Simas, and not to their own abilities. Am I not entitled to continue the rule of Wei?”

  “If you do this you will be a traitor who usurped the throne,” Zhang Jie said, denouncing him.

  Sima Yan flared up in wrath. “I am avenging the Hans. What is wrong with that?”

  He ordered guards to drag Zhang Jie down and beat him to death. The Emperor, weeping, knelt down and pleaded.

  Sima Yan rose and left. The Emperor turned to Jia Chong and Pei Xiu. “This is a crisis. What should I do?”

  They replied, “Your Majesty, the spell of your good fortune is over and you cannot oppose the will of Heaven. You must abdicate as Emperor Xian of Han once did. Rebuild the altar of abdication and prepare a great ceremony to formally request the Prince of Jin to accept the throne, so as to comply with Heaven’s mandate and satisfy the desire of the people. Moreover, your personal safety will be guaranteed.”

  The Emperor could only accept this advice, and Jia Chong was entrusted with the building of the altar. The first day of the twelfth month was chosen for the ceremony. On that day the Emperor stood on the altar, with the imperial seal in his hand, in the presence of a great assembly.

  As Wei displaced Han, so Jin devoured Wei.

  Thus turns fate’s wheel, none its grinding escapes.

  Zhang Jie the true stood in the way and died.

  Vain hope with one small hand to block out Mount Tai!

  Then Sima Yan was requested to ascend the altar, and there received the seal. Cao Huan then descended and took his place at the head of the assembly, dressed in a robe that befitted his new role as an official.

  Sima Yan now sat upright on the altar, while Jia Chong and Pei Xiu stood on his two sides, sword in hand. Cao Huan was ordered to prostrate himself and listen to the command.

  Jia Chong read: “Forty-five years have elapsed since in the twenty-fifth year of the period of Jian An Wei inherited the throne from Han. But the favor of Heaven has left Wei and reverted to Jin. The merits and virtues of the Sima family reach to the high heavens and pervade the earth. The Prince of Jin is fitted for the throne and so to continue the rule. Now you are given the title of Prince of Chenliu; you are to proceed at once to reside in the city of Jinyong. You are forbidden to come to the capital unless summoned.”

  Cao Huan thanked the new Emperor and withdrew tearfully.

  Weeping, Sima Fu (uncle of Sima Zhao) bowed before the deposed Emperor and promised eternal devotion. “I have been a servant of Wei and will never betray it.”

  Seeing this, the new Emperor conferred the title of Prince of Tranquillity to Sima Fu, but he refused and withdrew.

  The new Emperor was now seated in his place, and all the officials and officers bowed before him and shouted again and again: “Long live the Emperor!”

  Thus Sima Yan succeeded to the throne. The new dynasty was called Great Jin and a new reign title, Tai Shi, or Great Beginning, was chosen. An amnesty was declared. Wei was no more.

  Jin took Wei as a model,

  And Prince of Chenliu resembled Lord of Shanyang

  A transfer of power at the altar again was seen

  We grieve when we recall these deeds.

  The new Emperor conferred posthumous imperial titles upon his late grandfather, uncle, and father—Sima Yi (the “Original Emperor”), Sima Shi (the “Wonderful Emperor”), and Sima Zhao (the “Scholar Emperor”). He built seven temples in honor of his ancestors, dedicated to Sima Jun, Sima Liang, Sima Jun (Sima Liang’s son), Sima Fang, Sima Yi, Sima Shi, and Sima Zhao. All these, except his uncle, were in his own direct line of ancestry.

  All these things being accomplished, the new Emperor held court daily to discuss how to subjugate Wu.

  The House of Han was gone for ever;

  And Wu would quickly follow.

  The story of the attack upon Wu will be told in the next chapter.


  * Han Xin, a famous general who helped the founder of Han to win his empire, was advised by Kuai Tong to set up his own rule while he commanded the army but Han Xin failed to heed his words. Later he was deprived of his military power and he tried to rebel, but was killed at Weiyang Palace.

  † Wen Zhong and Fan Li were both officials of the Kingdom of Yue in ancient China. They helped their king destroy the Kingdom of Wu. Knowing that the king was not someone with whom one could share joy, Fan Li left to seek a life of leisure. Wen Zhong, however, did not follow his advice and was later forced to commit suicide.

  ‡ A god-like figure in ancient Chinese legends. The Han minister Zhang Liang allegedly went to Mount Ermei in southwestern China to study Taoism with Chi Song-zi after he had helped Liu Bang establish the Han Dynasty.

  * Familiar name for Zhang Liang, chief advisor to the founder of Han Dynasty.

  † Another name for Lu Shang, chief advisor to the founder of Zhou Dynasty.

  * The leader of the house of Zhou at the end of Shang Dynasty (16th–11th century B.C.). Although he had amassed a large territory he still pledged allegiance to the emperor of Shang. Later his son destroyed Shang and founded the Zhou Dynasty.


  Recommending Du Yu a Veteran Offers New Plans

  Sun Hao Surrenders and the Three Kingdoms are Reunited

  When the Emperor of Wu learned about Sima Yan’s usurpation he knew that his own land was threatened by an invasion. The anxiety led to an illness and he was confined to his bed. Befo
re his death he summoned to his side Prime Minister Puyang Xing, and told his heir Sun Wan to bow to the minister. The dying ruler, with his final effort, took the minister by the arm and pointed at his son. Then he died.

  Puyang Xing left the chamber and called a meeting of the officials, to whom he proposed placing the heir on his father’s throne.

  General Wan Yu objected, arguing, “He is too young to rule the government. Better to set up Sun Hao, Marquis of Wucheng.”

  This proposal won the support of another general, Zhang Be, who said, “Sun Hao is able and quick in decision-making. He is fit to be a ruler.”

  However, Puyang Xing could not decide and so he went into the palace to consult the Empress Dowager.

  “Settle this among yourselves,” she replied. “I am but a widow and know nothing of such matters of the dynasty.”

  So Sun Hao was welcomed into the capital. He was the son of Sun He, who was formerly Heir Apparent of Sun Quan, and in the seventh month he was enthroned as Emperor of Wu, and the first year of his reign was Yuan Xing. The young prince Sun Wan was consoled with the title of Prince of Yuzhang. His father Sun He was honored posthumously with the title of Emperor Wen and his mother was created Empress Dowager. The veteran general Ding Feng was made Minister of War.

  The following year the reign title was changed to Gan Lu, or Sweet Dew. The new ruler soon proved himself to be cruel and tyrannical, and he grew more so from day to day. He indulged in alcohol and lust and had as his confidant a eunuch named Cen Hun. When Puyang Xing and Zhang Bu remonstrated, both were put to death, along with their entire clans. That sealed the mouth of every courtier and thereafter none dared to voice any criticism.

  Another reign title, Bao Ding, was adopted the next year, and two officials, Lu Kai and Wan Yu, were appointed left and right prime ministers. At this time the imperial residence was in Wuchang. The people of Yangzhou had to send supplies upstream against the current and suffered exceedingly. There was no limit to the ruler’s extravagance—the public treasury was cleaned out and the income of private households was exhausted.