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The Three Kingdoms Volume 2 Page 6

  Sun Yi’s wife, Lady Xu, was skilled in divination and on the day of the great banquet she cast a most inauspicious lot. Therefore she begged her husband to stay away from the assembly. But he was obstinate and went anyway. The faithless guard followed his master out after the gathering dispersed in the evening and stabbed him to death. The two prime conspirators at once seized their accomplice on the charge of murdering the prefect and beheaded him in the market place. Then they went to Sun Yi’s residence, which they plundered. Gui Lan was taken with the beauty of the dead prefect’s wife and told her that as he had avenged the death of her husband she must go with him, or he would slay her. She pleaded that it was too soon after her husband’s demise to think of re-marriage but promised to be his after the mourning ceremony.

  She thus obtained a respite, which she utilized to send secretly for two of her husband’s trusted officers, Sun Gao and Fu Ying. They came and she tearfully told her tale.

  “My husband had great faith in you. Now Gui Lan and Dai Yuan have plotted his death, and have laid the crime on Bian Hong. They have plundered my house and carried off my servants and maids. Worse than this, Gui Lan also insists that I be his wife. To gain time I have pretended to accept his proposal. You must now send the news to my husband’s brother and at the same time we must think of a scheme to slay these two miscreants and avenge this wrong. I will never forget your kindness in this life or the next.”

  And she bowed before them. They also wept and said, “We were much attached to our master and now that he has come to an untimely end we must avenge him. We will certainly do as you ask us to do.”

  So they sent a trusty messenger to break the sad news to Sun Quan. On the day of the memorial service for her husband the lady called in her two friends and hid them in a secret chamber. Then the ceremony was performed in the great hall. When it was over, she took off her mourning garb, bathed and perfumed herself, and assumed an expression of joy, laughing and talking as usual. When Gui Lan heard of all this he rejoiced in his heart, thinking of the pleasure that was to be his.

  When night came she sent a maid to call Gui Lan to her residence, where she entertained him with wine. When he was quite intoxicated, she suggested that they should retire and led him to the chamber where her friends were waiting. He was so pleased that he followed without the least hesitation. As soon as she entered the room she called out, “Where are you, generals?” Out rushed the two men, and the drunken man, incapable of any resistance, was instantly killed.

  Then she invited Dai Yuan to supper and he was slain in similar fashion. After that, she sent people to the houses of her enemies and slew all their family members. Having avenged her husband’s death, she resumed her mourning garb and the heads of the two men were placed as a sacrifice before the coffin of her husband.

  Very soon Sun Quan himself came with an army, and hearing the story of the deeds of the two officers from the widow, he rewarded them with promotion and put them in charge of Danyang. When he left he took the widow with him and arranged to let her pass the remainder of her days at his house. All those who heard of her brave conduct were loud in praise of her virtue:

  Full of resource and virtuous, few in the world are like her,

  Guilefully wrought she and compassed the death of the lusty assassins,

  Faithless officials submit and loyal ones die,

  None can compare with the heroine of East Wu.

  As time went by the brigands that had troubled the region had all been suppressed and a large fleet of more than seven thousand keels were in the Yangtze ready for service. Sun Quan appointed Zhou Yu to be commander-in-chief.

  In the winter of the twelfth year of the reign of Jian An, Lady Wu, feeling her end approaching, called to her bedside the two advisors Zhou Yu and Zhang Zhao and said: “I came of a family in Wu. As our parents died in early life, my younger brother and I emigrated to Yue. Later I married into this family and bore my husband four sons. When Ce was born, I dreamed of the moon falling into my bosom and when it was time for Quan, I dreamed of the sun dropping into my breast. These omens were interpreted by a soothsayer as signs of the greatness that would be theirs. Unfortunately Ce died young, but Quan succeeded him and I pray you will both assist him so that I may die in peace.”

  And to her son she said, “These two you are to treat as your teachers and never should you neglect your duty. My younger sister and I were both married to your father, and so she is also a mother to you and you are to serve her after I am gone, as you now serve me. And you must treat your sister with affection and find a good husband for her.”

  These were her last words and very soon she died. Sun Quan wept bitterly in sorrow. Then followed the mourning and her burial, but these are of no concern to us here.

  The following year Sun Quan began to think of an attack upon Huang Zu again. Zhang Zhao objected, saying that the army should not move during the period of mourning. However, Zhou Yu said that vengeance should not be postponed on that account and it could not wait one year. Sun Quan vacillated between the two opposing opinions and could not decide.

  As he was hesitating, Lu Meng, commander of the north region, came in to see him with news. Lu Meng said, “While I was guarding the Longqiu Gorge one of Huang Zu’s officers, Gan Ning by name, came to surrender. I questioned him about his reason for submission and he told me everything about himself. He is a native of Linjiang and his other name is Xing-ba. He is a powerful man of great strength and is also known to be something of a scholar. In his youth he was fond of wandering about as a knight-errant. Once he assembled a band of outlaws with whom he plundered rivers and lakes, terrorizing everybody. He wore a bell at his waist and at the sound of this bell people fled and hid themselves from his sight. He fitted his boats with sails of West Chuan brocade and people called him the ‘Pirate with Sails of Silk.’

  “Later he reformed. He and his band went to Liu Biao, but they left him when they saw he would never accomplish anything. Then they wanted to come and serve under your banner, but were detained by Huang Zu at Xiakou. Remember last time when we were attacking Huang Zu, it was this man who helped our enemy to recover Xiakou—yet he was not treated well. Even though the commander-in-chief, Su Fei, recommended him several times for promotion, Huang Zu refused, saying that he was unsuited for any high positions as he was no more than a pirate.

  “So Gan Ning became a disappointed and resentful man. The commander knew his heart and he invited him to a wine party at his house. He said to Gan Ning, ‘I have put your name forward many times but our chief says he has no place suitable for you. However, time slips away and man has but a very short life. One must make the most of it. I will recommend you to be magistrate of Zhu, and you must decide for yourself whether to stay or leave.’

  “So Gan Ning was able to get away from Xiakou and would have come to you then, but he feared that he would not be welcomed, since he had assisted Huang Zu and killed Ling Cao. I told him you were always ready to welcome able men and would harbor no resentment for former offenses. After all, everyone is bound to do his best for his master and he was only doing what was expected of him then. He would come with alacrity if he only felt sure of a welcome. I pray you will decide whether he is to stay or not.”

  This was good news for Sun Quan and he said, “With his help I could destroy Huang Zu.” Then he told Lu Meng to bring Gan Ning to see him.

  When he had paid his obeisance, Sun Quan said to him, “I am very pleased with your coming and I bear no resentment against you. Please have no doubts on that score. I hope you can advise me on how to destroy Huang Zu.”

  Gan Ning replied, “Han is taking its last breath and Cao Cao will sooner or later assume authority. Then he is sure to attempt to absorb the country as far down as the river unless he is opposed. Liu Biao prepares nothing for the future and his sons are quite unfitted to succeed him. You should lay your plans to oust him at once before Cao Cao comes. First attack Huang Zu, who is getting old and only interested in exploiting his subor
dinates and his people, so that he is hated by everyone. He is totally unprepared for a fight and his army is undisciplined. He will fall at the first blow. After he is gone, you can move westward to control the Chu passes and then proceed to conquer the regions of Ba and Shu. Then you will be securely established.”

  “Your advice is most valuable,” said Sun Quan.

  He made his preparations. Zhou Yu was appointed commander-in-chief; Lu Meng was van leader; Tong Xi and Gan Ning were sub-commanders. Sun Quan himself commanded the main army of 100,000 men.

  Spies reported the news to Huang Zu, who hurriedly called his men together for consultation. Then he placed Su Fei in primary command and two officers as van leaders. He prepared two squadrons of ships, on which were placed strong bows and stiff crossbows to the number of more than 2,000. These were secured to heavy hawsers so that they formed a barrier in the river.

  At the approach of the men of Wu, drums beat and the archers began to shoot. Soon arrows and bolts thickened the air, forcing back the invaders, who withdrew till several li of water lay between them and the defenders.

  “At this stage there is no turning back for us,” said Gan Ning to his colleague.

  So they chose a hundred light craft and placed picked men on them, fifty to a boat. Twenty were for rowing the boats and thirty to fight. These latter were armored swordsmen. Careless of the enemy’s missiles, these boats advanced, got to the defenders’ fleet, and cut the hawsers of their ships so that they drifted on the water in confusion. Gan Ning leaped upon one boat and killed one of the two commanding officers. The other hastened to flee for the shore.

  Seeing this, Lu Meng jumped into a small boat and rowed straight into the enemy ships, setting them on fire. When his opponent had nearly reached the bank, Lu Meng recklessly went after him, got ahead, and struck him full in the breast so that he fell.

  Before long Su Fei came along the bank with reinforcements, but it was too late—the armies of Wu had already landed and there was no hope of repelling them. Su Fei fled into the open country but was captured and made prisoner. He was taken to Sun Quan, who ordered him to be put into a cage-cart and held till Huang Zu should be captured. Then he would execute the pair together. The attack pressed—day and night they worked to capture Xiakou.

  He sees his ships cut loose and burned,

  By the silk-sailed pirate he once spurned.

  The fate of Huang Zu will be told in the next chapter.


  * Ruler of the house of Zhou, whose son later became founder of the West Zhou Dynasty (1046–841 B.C.).


  At Jingzhou Liu Qi Thrice Begs for Advice

  At Bowang Zhuge Liang Directs His First Battle

  Now Sun Quan fought hard to take Xiakou. When Huang Zu recognized that he was beaten and could not maintain his position, he abandoned the city of Jiangxia and took the road to Jingzhou. Gan Ning, foreseeing this, had laid an ambush outside the east gate. A short while later, the fugitive, with a small following, burst out of the gate. However, he had not yet gone far when he found his road blocked.

  From horseback, Huang Zu said, “I treated you well in the past, why do you now press me so hard?”

  Gan Ning angrily retorted, “I did good service for you and yet you treated me as a pirate. Now what have you got to say?”

  There was nothing to be said, and Huang Zu turned his horse to escape. But Gan Ning, thrusting aside his men, dashed forward to pursue him. Just then he heard shouting in his rear and saw Cheng Pu coming up. Fearing lest this other pursuer should overtake him and compete for the merit he desired for himself, Gan Ning fitted an arrow to his bow and shot at the fugitive. Huang Zu was hit and fell from his steed. Then Gan Ning cut off his head. After this, he joined Cheng Pu and the two returned, bearing the ghastly trophy to their master. Sun Quan ordered them to place it in a box, to be taken back home and offered as a sacrifice at the altar in memory of his father.

  The battle being won, Sun Quan rewarded his officers and men very liberally and Gan Ning in particular was promoted to a high rank. Next he discussed with his followers about the advisability of leaving part of his force to hold Jiangxia. But his advisor, Zhang Zhao, said it was useless to try to hold an isolated city and he suggested going back and preparing for a possible attack from Liu Biao, who would surely revenge the death of Huang Zu.

  “We will certainly defeat him as his army will be tired out after a long expedition,” he continued. “Then we can push home the attack and capture his districts.”

  Sun Quan saw the advice was wise so he gave up the city and led his army back to the east.

  Now Su Fei was still confined, but he secretly got someone to ask Gan Ning to save him. Gan Ning told the messenger that he would not forget to plead mercy for him, even if he had said nothing.

  When the army got back Sun Quan gave orders for Su Fei’s execution so that his head might be offered as sacrifice with that of Huang Zu. Then Gan Ning went in to his lord and said in tears: “If it had not been for Su Fei, my bones would have been rotting in some ditch. How then could I have rendered service under your banner? Now I know he deserves death, but I cannot forget his kindness to me and I am willing to return to you the honors you have bestowed on me as payment for his crime.”

  Sun Quan replied, “Since he once showed kindness to you, I will pardon him for your sake. But what if he runs away?”

  “If he were pardoned he would be immeasurably grateful and would not dream of escaping. If he should, then I will offer my life in exchange.”

  So the condemned man escaped death and only Huang Zu’s head was offered as sacrifice. After the sacrificial ceremony was over a great banquet was spread in celebration of the victory. As the festivities progressed, suddenly one of the guests burst into loud lamentation, drew his sword, and rushed upon Gan Ning, who hastily rose and defended himself with the chair on which he had been sitting. Sun Quan, surprised, looked at the assailant and saw it was Ling Tong, whose father had been killed by Gan Ning. The son was now burning for revenge.

  Hastily leaving his place, Sun Quan checked the angry young man. “He did slay your noble father,” said Sun Quan, “but at that time he was serving his lord and was bound to exert himself to the utmost. But now that you two are under one flag you must not recall an old injury. I hope you will forget this for my sake.”

  Ling Tong struck his head upon the floor and cried, “But how can I not avenge this? It is a blood feud and we cannot both live under the same sky.”

  The other guests also intervened, beseeching the young man to forgo his revenge, and at last he ceased from his murderous intention. But he sat glaring wrathfully at his enemy.

  That very day Gan Ning was dispatched with 5,000 men and a hundred ships to guard Xiakou, where he was beyond the reach of his enemy’s wrath. Then Sun Quan promoted Ling Tong to appease him and the young man had to acquiesce, although hatred still burned in his heart.

  From then on Sun Quan enlarged his fleet and sent officers to guard various points of the riverbanks. His uncle was placed in command at Wuhui and he himself, with a large army, camped at Caisang. Zhou Yu, the commander-in-chief of the forces, was on Poyang Lake training the navy in general preparations for defense and attack.

  Here our story will digress to follow the adventures of Liu Bei. From his spies he had tidings of the war and learned of the death of Huang Zu, so he consulted Zhuge Liang as to what he should do. While they were discussing the matter, there arrived a messenger from Liu Biao, asking Liu Bei to go to see him. Zhuge Liang said, “This call is to consult you about avenging Huang Zu. I will go with you and good plans will evolve as the circumstances direct.”

  Leaving Guan Yu to guard Xinye, Liu Bei set forth, taking Zhang Fei at the head of 500 soldiers as his escort. On the way he asked his advisor what he should say to Liu Biao. Zhuge Liang said, “First, you must thank him for having saved you from the plot against you at Xiangyang. But if he asks you to undertake an expedition agai
nst Sun Quan, you must not agree. Say you have to return to Xinye to put your army in good order.”

  Bearing this admonition in mind, Liu Bei came to Jingzhou with his followers and found lodging in the guesthouse. Zhang Fei and the soldiers camped outside the city, while Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang went in to see Liu Biao, and after the customary salutations, Liu Bei apologized for his conduct at Xiangyang.

  Liu Biao said: “Worthy brother, I know you were the victim of a vile plot and at that time I would have put Cai Mao to death if there had not been so wide a pleading for mercy. I hope you don’t blame me for that.”

  “General Cai had little to do with it—I think it was his subordinates’ doing,” replied Liu Bei.

  Liu Biao said, “Jiangxia is lost and Huang Zu is dead, as you know. So I have asked you to come and discuss measures of vengeance.”

  “Huang Zu was harsh and cruel so he could not use his men in the proper way; that was the real cause of his fall. But have you reflected what Cao Cao might do in the north if we attack the south?”

  “I’m getting old and weak and unable to manage affairs properly—will you aid me, brother? After I’m gone you’ll be head of this district.”

  “Why do you say this, brother? How can I be equal to such an important task?”

  At this Zhuge Liang looked meaningfully at Liu Bei, who then continued, “But give me a little time to think of some good plan.”

  He took his leave. When they had reached their lodging, Zhuge Liang asked, “Why did you decline his offer of the district?”