The Three Kingdoms: Welcome the Tiger Read online

Page 48

  “Give me paper and a writing brush,” said Li Sheng.

  These were presently brought to him, and the visitor wrote down what he wished to say and handed it to Sima Yi.

  Sima Yi smiled as he read it. “This illness has made me very deaf. Take care of yourself when you go there.”

  After he’d finished speaking, he pointed to his mouth. One of the maids brought some broth and held the cup for him to drink. He put his lips to the cup, but spilled the broth all over the front of his dress.

  Then he feigned a sob or two and said, “I am old and ill and may die at any moment. My two sons are good-for-nothing. I do hope you will instruct them. When you see the Grand General, pray ask him to look after my sons.”

  At this point he fell back on the bed, panting for breath, and Li Sheng bowed and took his leave. Then he went back to tell his patron what he had seen.

  Cao Shuang was overjoyed. “If that old man dies, I have nothing to worry about.”

  But no sooner had Li Sheng gone than Sima Yi rose from his bed and said to his sons, “Li Sheng will give a full account of this to Cao Shuang, who will no longer guard against me. We will wait till he goes on his next hunting trip, then we will take action.”

  Soon after this, Cao Shuang proposed to the Emperor that he should pay a visit to the tomb of his father and offer sacrifices in person. The Emperor approved. So the whole court went in the train of the imperial chariot. Cao Shuang, with his three brothers and his close followers, commanded the Imperial Guards to escort the procession. Huan Fan again warned him that he should not leave the city with all his brothers and his guards.

  “If there should be trouble inside the city, what then?” he added.

  Cao Shuang pointed with his horsewhip and rebuked him: “Stop talking nonsense! Who would dare to make trouble?”

  On hearing that his rival had left the city, Sima Yi rejoiced greatly in his heart. He at once mustered the former officers that had fought battles under his command and gathered together dozens of his household guards. With his two sons, he led this force to kill Cao Shuang.

  Now terminates his forced inaction,

  He must destroy the hostile faction.

  Cao Shuang’s fate will be told in the next chapter.


  * An honorary post without real power.

  * “Yuan” refers to eight gifted scholars of the house of Gaoxin, and “Kai” to another eight of the house of Gaoding, all of whom were in the service of the legendary king Shun.


  Sima Yi Recovers Political Power

  Jiang Wei Loses a Battle at Ox Head Hills

  Sima Yi was very pleased to hear that his rival, together with his whole party and the Imperial Guard, had accompanied the young ruler on a visit to the late Emperor’s tomb combined with a hunt. He at once went to the palace, ordered Gao Rou to assume provisional command of the army, and sent him to seize Cao Shuang’s camp. Another official named Wang Guan was ordered to take control of the palace guard and occupy Cao Xi’s camp. Having secured his position thus, Sima Yi and his supporters went to the palace of the Empress Dowager.

  Sima Yi said, “Cao Shuang has betrayed the trust placed in him by the late Emperor and has ruined the government. He must be punished for his crime.”

  She was aghast. “But His Majesty is away. What can we do?”

  “I have a memorial to His Majesty and plans for Cao Shuang’s destruction,” replied Sima Yi. “Do not worry, Your Majesty.”

  Intimidated, the Empress Dowager could only give consent. So two of Sima Yi’s supporters were ordered to draft a memorial, which was to be sent to the Emperor by a eunuch. Then Sima Yi led his men to seize the arsenal.

  Soon, news of the coup came to the knowledge of the family of Cao Shuang, whose wife hastened to the front hall and summoned the leader of the residence’s guards, Pan Ju, to inquire.

  “Our lord is away. What does Sima Yi mean by raising an army?” she asked.

  “Do not be alarmed, Your Ladyship,” he replied. “Let me find out.”

  Taking a dozen archers with him, Pan Ju went up the wall tower to survey. At that moment Sima Yi was passing their residence, and Pan Ju told his men to shoot. Sima Yi was unable to proceed. Behind Sima Yi an officer shouted to Pan Ju, “Do not shoot! His Excellency has important state affairs to attend to.”

  Thrice he urged him not to shoot, and so Pan Ju desisted. Sima Yi went across, guarded by his son Zhao. Then he went out of the city and camped on the Luo River at the floating bridge.

  At the outbreak of the coup one of Cao Shuang’s officers, Lu Zhi by name, went to seek advice from Xin Chang, a military advisor.

  “Sima Yi has revolted,” he said. “What should we do?”

  “Let’s lead our forces out of the city to see the Emperor,” replied Xin Chang.

  Lu Zhi agreed and left. Xin Chang hastened into the inner quarters to get ready to leave. There he met his sister, who asked him why he was in haste.

  “His Majesty is out on a hunting trip and Sima Yi has closed the gates of the city. He must be plotting a rebellion.”

  “I don’t think he is going to rebel, but only intends to slay General Cao,” she replied.

  “I wonder how all this will end,” said her brother in surprise.

  “Cao Shuang is no match for his rival and will surely be defeated.”

  “Lu Zhi asked me to join him. Should I go with him?” asked Xin Chang.

  His sister replied, “It is the moral obligation of a man to pursue the duties of his office. We show our sympathy, even to strangers in difficulties. To be in someone’s service yet desert him in times of danger will only bring calamity to oneself.”

  This speech decided Xin Chang, who went with Lu Zhi. Taking several dozen cavalrymen they forced the gate open and got out of the city. When their escape was reported to Sima Yi, he thought that Huan Fan might try to follow their example, so he sent for him. However, on the advice of his son, Huan Fan did not answer the summons, but decided to flee. He mounted and rode hastily to the southern gate.

  But the gate was barred. The warden happened to be one of his former subordinates. Huan Fan pulled out from his sleeve a piece of bamboo* and said, “Here’s Her Majesty the Empress Dowager’s command. Open the gate for me.”

  “Let me look at it,” said the warden.

  “What! How dare you, an old servant of mine, distrust my words?”

  The warden had to let him pass. As soon as he had got outside he shouted to the warden, “Sima Yi has revolted, and you had better come with me.”

  The warden realized that he had been tricked, but it was too late to chase him.

  “So the ‘Bag of Wisdom’ has got away too! What can we do?” said Sima Yi in alarm, when he heard about Huan Fan’s escape.

  Jiang Ji consoled him. “An inferior horse thinks only of the fodder in the manger.* Cao Shuang will definitely not listen to him.”

  Then Sima Yi summoned Xu Yun and Chen Tai, to whom he said: “You two go and tell Cao Shuang that I have no other intention than to take away the military power from him and his brothers.”

  As soon as they had left, he told Jiang Ji to compose a letter which he ordered Yin Da-mu to take to Cao Shuang. “You are on good terms with Cao Shuang and hence are the fittest person for this mission. Tell him that Jiang Ji and I have sworn by the Luo River that we are concerned solely with his military power and nothing else.”

  So Yin Da-mu also went away to take the message to Cao Shuang.

  Out in the country, Cao Shuang was enjoying the hunting, flying his falcons, and coursing with his hounds. Suddenly there came the news of the coup in the city and the memorial sent by Sima Yi. He almost fell out of the saddle, so alarmed he was. Then a eunuch brought forth the memorial and knelt before the Emperor to present it. Cao Shuang took the memorial and opened it. An attendant was ordered to read it aloud:

  On my return from the expedition to Liaodong the late Emperor summoned Your M
ajesty, Prince of Qin and myself and certain others to his bedside, took me by the arm and impressed upon us all our duty for the future of the dynasty. Now Cao Shuang has betrayed the trust placed in him and upset the laws of the government. He usurps power at court and seeks dominance over others. He has appointed the eunuch Zhang Dang as supervisor of the palaces to spy upon Your Majesty, and awaits his chance to seize the empire. He has sown dissension among members of the royal family, causing them to injure their own flesh and blood. Turmoil infests the whole land, while fear resides in every man’s heart. All this is opposed to the late Emperor’s edict to Your Majesty and his commands upon me.

  Feeble and old as I am, I dare not forget his words. My comrades, Jiang Ji and Sima Fu, agree with me that Cao Shuang is disloyal at heart and that military power should not be entrusted to his brothers. I have petitioned Her Majesty the Empress Dowager, who authorized me to act accordingly.

  Therefore, on behalf of Your Majesty and Her Majesty I declare that all military power be taken from Cao Shuang, Cao Xi, and Cao Xun, who are to retain only their title of lords. They must return to their residence at once and not linger outside the city to hold up Your Majesty. If there be any delay, they shall be dealt with by military law.

  As a precautionary measure, I have swiftly camped my army at the Floating Bridge by the Luo River. With all deference I present this memorial to bring the matter to the attention of Your Majesty.

  When the minister finished reading, the Emperor turned to Cao Shuang and asked, “In view of his memorial, what are you going to do?”

  Cao Shuang was scared out of his wits. Turning to his younger brothers, he asked, “What are we to do?”

  Cao Xi replied, “I had warned you before, brother, but you were obstinate and would not listen to me, so it has come to this. Sima Yi is cunning beyond measure. Even Zhuge Liang could not get the better of him. How could we hope to do so? We’d better submit to him so that we may save our lives.”

  Just at this moment Xin Chang and Lu Zhi arrived. Cao Shuang asked them about the situation inside the city.

  They replied, “The city is closed as tightly as an iron barrel and Sima Yi is camped on the river at the Floating Bridge, and you cannot return. You must decide on your plan at once.”

  Then Huan Fan galloped up and said, “Sima Yi has rebelled. General, why not request His Majesty to proceed to Xudu and summon provincial troops to come and deal with Sima Yi?”

  Cao Shuang replied, “How can we go to another place when all our families are in the city?”

  “In times of danger even an ordinary man endeavors to keep himself alive! Now you have the Son of Heaven with you here, and if you summon the forces of the country, who dares to disobey you? How can you throw away your life?”

  Cao Shuang only wept, unable to make a decision.

  Huan Fan continued, “It is but a day’s journey from here to Xudu, and there are enough supplies for several years in that city. Your forces in other camps are just close by. They will hasten here at your call. I have brought with me the seal of Commander of the Armed Forces. You must act at once, my lord! Delay means death.”

  “Do not press me,” said Cao Shuang. “Let me think it over carefully.”

  Then Sima Yi’s two messengers came. They said to Cao Shuang, “Sima Yi desires only to take away your military power and nothing else. Please return to the city soon.”

  Cao Shuang kept silent. Soon Yin Da-mu arrived with Jiang Ji’s letter. He assured Cao Shuang that Sima Yi had sworn by the Luo River that he had no other intention. He urged Cao Shuang to give up his military power and return to his residence soon.

  Cao Shuang was disposed to believe in these words, but Huan Fan again warned, “It is urgent. Do not listen to the voices of these men or you will die.”

  Night found Cao Shuang still vacillating. Sword in hand he sighed and sank deep in thought. He wept from evening to dawn but he was still undecided.

  Huan Fan went to his tent again and exhorted him to decide upon some course. “You have had a whole day and a whole night for reflection. How come you have not yet made up your mind?”

  “I will not fight,” sighed Cao Shuang, throwing down his sword. “I am willing to resign my office and content to be just a rich man.”

  Huan Fan burst into tears as he left the tent. “Cao Zhen used to boast of his wisdom and resourcefulness, but his three sons are as stupid as pigs!” He wept copiously.

  The two messengers pressed Cao Shuang to yield his seal of office to Sima Yi, and he did as he was told. Its custodian clung to the seal and would not give it up, crying, “Alas! my lord, you resign your power and humiliate yourself by surrendering. It is unlikely you will escape a public death.”

  “Sima Yi will surely keep faith with me,” said Cao Shuang.

  The army, seeing that he no longer had the seal of office, dispersed. Only a few officials remained at Cao Shuang’s side. On arriving at the Floating Bridge, Cao Shuang and his two brothers were ordered to go to their dwellings, while their supporters were imprisoned to await the Emperor’s command. When the Cao brothers entered the city, they had no attendants to accompany them. As Huan Fan approached the bridge, Sima Yi, from horseback, pointed his whip at him and asked: “Minister Huan, why did you act like this?” Huan Fan made no reply, but with head bent went into the city.

  Then Sima Yi requested the Emperor to break camp and return to the city. The three Cao brothers were confined in their residence, the gate being fastened with a huge padlock, and the house besieged by eight hundred local inhabitants. Anxiety seized Cao Shuang’s heart.

  Cao Xi said to his brother, “We have but little food left. You can write to Sima Yi, brother, to borrow some grain from him. If he is willing to lend us grain, then he surely does not intend harm.”

  Cao Shuang followed his advice, and the letter was written and sent. After reading the letter Sima Yi had a hundred bushels of grain sent to him. Delighted, Cao Shuang said, “He really has no intention to harm me!” And he no longer worried about his fate.

  In fact Sima Yi had arrested the eunuch Zhang Dang and interrogated him. The eunuch confessed that he was not the only one who had plotted to subvert the government, and he named the five confidants of Cao Shuang. So they were arrested, and when interrogated, confessed that a revolt had been arranged for the third month. All were thrown into prison, wearing long wooden collars about their necks. Then the gate warden testified that Huan Fan had escaped out of the city, pretending to possess a command from the Empress Dowager, and accused Sima Yi of revolting.

  Sima Yi said, “When a man falsely maligns another for revolting, the punishment for such a crime falls upon his own head.”

  So Huan Fan was also thrown into prison.

  Then the three Cao brothers, and all those connected with them, were publicly put to death in the market place. Three generations of their clan were exterminated and their property confiscated and put into public holding.

  Now there was a certain woman of the Xiahou family who had been wife to a second cousin of Cao Shuang’s. She was left a childless widow early on in life and her father wished her to marry again. She refused and cut off one ear as a pledge of her marriage vow. However, when Cao Shuang and his clan were all put to death her father arranged another marriage for her—whereupon she cut off her nose. Her own people were shocked at her obstinacy.

  They said, “Man’s life is like the light dust dwelling upon the slender blade of grass, and what is the good of putting yourself to such pain? Now that your husband’s family have all been slain by Sima Yi, what is the point of keeping your vow?”

  The woman replied, weeping: “The honorable remain loyal to their lords in prosperity or in hardship; and the virtuous are true to their loved ones in life or in death. While the House of Cao enjoyed prosperity I remained faithful; how much more should I be true now that it has fallen upon hard times? To betray my vow would be the behavior of a beast. I will never succumb to that!”

  The story of he
r devotion came to the ears of Sima Yi, who respected her for her chastity and allowed her to adopt a son to rear and so to continue the Cao family.

  A poem says:

  What is a man to be mindful of?

  A grain of dust on a blade of grass;

  Such virtue as Xiahou’s daughter had

  Stands out sublime as the ages pass.

  This fair young wife of gentle mien

  Dared all to maintain her purpose high.

  What man, though strong in the flush of life

  Has equaled her in constancy?

  After Cao Shuang had been executed, Jiang Ji recalled that three others of his party were still alive: Lu Zhi, Xin Chang, and the man that had opposed the surrender of the seal.

  However, Sima Yi said, “They are righteous man who served their master faithfully.” He even restored them to their former offices.

  Xin Chang sighed, “Had I not sought advice from my sister I would not have been a man of loyalty.”

  A poet has praised his sister’s conduct.

  You call him lord and take his pay,

  Then stand by him when danger nears

  Thus to her brother spoke the lady,

  And won fair fame though endless years.

  Soon Sima Yi issued a proclamation, granting general amnesty to all of Cao Shuang’s former employees, and those who had held official posts were restored to their original positions. So both the army and people kept to their own businesses and peace was restored throughout the country.

  However, it is to be noted that He Yan and Deng Yang met their end just as Guan Lu had foretold, for which he was praised in a poem:

  The seer Guan Lu was deeply read

  In all the lore of the ancient sages.

  Thus he could see events to come

  As clear as those of former ages.

  And he perceived the soul of He,

  Already in the vale of gloom,

  And knew the outer shell of Deng

  Was hastening to an early tomb.

  After recovering power, the ruler of Wei created Sima Yi prime minister and bestowed on him the Nine Gifts. Sima Yi refused these honors, but the Emperor insisted and would take no rejection. His two sons were made assistants to their father, and so all state affairs fell under the control of these three.