The Three Kingdoms Volume 1 Read online

Page 34

  “Now I, Yuan Shao, a man of war, first displayed my might in the destruction of the evil eunuchs. Later, when the ruffian Dong Zhuo invaded the official circle and abused the government, I grasped my sword and issued the call to restore order in the country. I assembled warriors, selected the best, and took them into my service. In this mission I came into contact with this Cao Cao and conferred with him to further my scheme. Knowing that he was but of mediocre talent I gave him command of a subordinate force and looked to him to render such petty service as he was able. Much have I suffered from his stupidities and his shortcomings, yet I tried to overlook his rash attacks and hasty retreats, his losses and shameful defeats, his repeated destruction of whole armies. Again and again I sent him more troops and filled the gaps in his depleted ranks. I even recommended him to be appointed Governor of Yanzhou. I added to his honors and increased his authority, hoping that eventually he would justify his position with a real victory.

  “But Cao Cao availed himself of the opportunity to overstep all bounds, to give free rein to violence and evil. He robbed the common people, persecuted the good, and injured the virtuous. Bian Rang, Prefect of Jiujiang, was a man of remarkable talents and enjoyed nationwide reputation. Honest in speech and correct in demeanor, he never curried Cao Cao’s favor with flattery. So he was put to death and his head exposed, his family utterly destroyed. From that day to this, scholars have deeply mourned over his loss and popular resentment has steadily grown. One man raised his arm in anger and the whole country followed him so that Cao Cao was smitten at Xuzhou and his district was snatched by Lu Bu. He fled eastward without shelter or refuge.

  “My policy is for a powerful central empire and obedient feudal lords, just like a tree with a strong trunk and weak branches. Also, I do not involve myself in partisanship. Therefore, I again raised my banners, donned my armor, and moved forward to uphold justice. My drums rolled in an assault on Lu Bu, who immediately fled. I saved Cao Cao from destruction and restored him to a position of authority. In doing so I must confess that I was probably being unkind to the people of Yanzhou but doing a great service to Cao Cao.

  “Later it happened that the imperial cavalcade moved west and a horde of rebels rose and attacked our lord. The course of government was hindered. At that moment my territory was threatened by forces from the north which I had to deal with. Therefore, I sent one of my officers to Cao Cao, asking him to see to the repair of the temples and the protection of the youthful sovereign, upon which Cao Cao gave the rein to his inclinations. He arbitrarily ordered the removal of the court. He brought shame upon the ruling house and subverted the laws. He assumed control of the three highest offices and dominated the administration. Offices and rewards were conferred according to his will, while punishment was at his word. He glorified whole families of those he loved; he exterminated whole clans of those he hated. Open critics were executed; secret opponents were assassinated. Officials sealed their lips and only exchanged glances when they met in the streets. Secretaries merely recorded court meetings and ministers only filled offices.

  “The late Yang Biao, a man who had served the three highest offices of state, was—because of some petty grudge—though guiltless, charged with a crime. He was beaten and subjected to every form of cruelty. This wanton act was a flagrant disregard of the constitutional laws.

  “Another victim was Councilor Zhao Yan. He was faithful in remonstrance, honest in speech, endowed with the highest principles of rectitude. He was listened to at court. His words carried enough weight with the Emperor to cause him to modify his intention and confer rewards for outspokenness. Desirous of deceiving the Emperor and stifling all criticism, Cao Cao presumed to arrest and put to death this censor, in defiance of all legal procedure.

  “Another evil deed was the destruction of the tomb of Prince Liang, the brother of the late Emperor. His tomb was an impressive sight surrounded by pines and cypresses, mulberries and lindera trees. Cao Cao led soldiers to the cemetery and stood by while it was desecrated, the coffin destroyed and the remains exposed. They stole the gold and jewels of the dead. This deed brought tears to the eyes of the Emperor and rent the hearts of all men. Cao Cao also created special military posts for grave diggers and gold seekers whose tracks were marked by desecrated tombs and exhumed bodies. Indeed, while assuming the position of the highest office of state, he indulged in the inclinations of a bandit, polluting the state, oppressing the people, a bane to gods and men.

  “He added to this by setting up minute and vexatious prohibitions so that there were nets and snares spread in every pathway, traps and pitfalls laid in every road. A hand raised was caught in a net, a foot advanced was taken in an entanglement. Therefore the men of Yanzhou and Yuzhou districts became poverty-stricken and the inhabitants of the metropolis groaned and murmured in anger.

  Read down the names through all the years

  Of ministers that all men curse

  For greed and cruelty and lust;

  Than Cao you will not find a worse.

  “For the past months I have been investigating the cases of evil deeds in the provinces, so I have been unable to reform him. I have given him repeated opportunities hoping that he would repent. But he has the heart of a wolf, the nature of a wild beast. He nourishes evil in his bosom and desires to pull down the pillars of the state, to weaken the House of Han, to destroy the loyal and true and to stand out conspicuously as the chief of criminals.

  “Formerly, when I attacked Gongsun Zan in the north, that obstinate bandit and perverse bravo resisted my might for a year. Before he could be destroyed this Cao Cao wrote to him that, under the pretense of assisting the imperial armies, he would covertly lead them to destruction. The plot was discovered through his messengers and Gongsun Zan also perished. This blunted Cao Cao’s ardor and his plans failed.

  “Now he is camped at Ao Granary with the river to strengthen his position. Like the mantis in the fable, who threatened the chariot with its forelegs, he thinks himself invincible. But with the dignity and prestige of Han to support me I will confront the whole world. I have spearmen by the million, horsemen by thousands of squadrons, and most fierce and vigorous warriors. I have enlisted expert archers and strong bowmen. Geographically I am also stationed at strategically important positions. Bingzhou leads to the Taihang Mountains and Qingzhou, to the Ji and Luo Rivers. My army can course down the Yellow River to attack him in the front, as well as take the route through Wan and Ye districts via Jingzhou to smite his rear. Powerful as thunder and swift as the tiger, my army is irresistible. For my army to deal with Cao Cao is like kindling roaring flames to burn down rootless grass or overturning the ocean to extinguish smoldering embers. Is there any hope that he can escape destruction?

  “Of the soldiers of Cao Cao, those who can fight are from the north or from other camps and they all desire to return home. They weep whenever they glance toward the north. The others are either common folks from Yanzhou or Yuzhou, or remnants of the armies of Lu Bu and Zhang Yang. These have been forced to render their service, and they take it only as a temporary expedient. All have been wounded and regard their captors as enemies. If I but give out the call at the mountain tops, and wave the white flag to show them they may surrender, they will melt away like dew before the sun and no blood needs to be shed. The victory will be mine.

  “Now the Hans are failing and the bonds of the empire are weak. The sacred dynasty has no supporter and the ministers are impotent to cope with the difficulties. Within the capital the responsible ministers are crestfallen and helpless. Such loyal and high principled men as are left are browbeaten by this tyrant. How can they manifest their virtue?

  “Cao Cao has surrounded the palace with seven hundred veteran soldiers, the ostensible object being to guard the Emperor, but the covert design being to hold him prisoner. I fear this is but the first step in his scheme to usurp the throne and so I hasten to take action. Now is the time for loyal ministers to sacrifice their lives, the opportunity for officers
to perform meritorious deeds. Can I fail to urge you?

  “Furthermore, he has forged commands in the name of the state to call for military assistance. I fear lest some generals in distant districts may obey his behest and send troops to help him. If they did they would bring everlasting shame onto themselves. No wise man should do so.

  “In no time the forces of my four prefectures* will be moving out simultaneously. When this call reaches Jingzhou they will unite with the army of General Zhang Xiu. All districts ought to organize volunteers and station them along their borders, to demonstrate their force and prove their loyal support of the court. This will be an extraordinary service to render to the state.

  “Whoever brings the head of Cao Cao will be created a nobleman, with feudal rights over 5,000 households and a money reward of fifty millions. I welcome those who serve under Cao Cao to come over to my side. No questions will be asked of their past faults. I publish abroad this notice so that all may realize that the country is in real danger.”

  Yuan Shao read this denunciation of Cao Cao with great joy. He at once ordered copies to be posted everywhere, in towns and cities, at ferries and passes. Copies found their way to the capital and one made it to Cao Cao’s residence. That day he happened to be in bed with a bad headache. Servants took the paper to the sick man’s room. He read it and was so frightened that his hair stood on end and cold shivers went down his spine. He broke out into a cold perspiration and his headache vanished. He bounded out of bed and asked Cao Hong, “Who wrote this?”

  “They say it is Chen Lin’s writing,” he replied.

  Cao Cao laughed. “Literary genius must be backed up by military strategy. Chen Lin may be a very elegant writer, but what if Yuan Shao’s fighting capacity falls short?”

  He called his advisers together to consider the next move. When Kong Rong, Prefect of Beihai, heard of this he went to see him. “You should not fight with Yuan Shao,” he said. “He is too strong. The only way out is to make peace.”

  Xun Yu said, “He is impotent. Why is it necessary to seek peace?”

  Kong Rong replied, “His land is wide and his men strong. He has many fine strategists, loyal officials, and valiant fighters. How can you say that he is impotent?”

  Xun Yu laughed and said, “His army is a rabble. Each of his four most important advisors has his shortcomings: Tian Feng is bold but rude to his master; Xu You is greedy and unwise; Shen Pei is domineering but stupid; and Feng Ji is resolute but useless. These four, being of such incompatible temperaments, will create confusion rather than enforcing efficiency. The two generals, Yan Liang and Wen Chou, know nothing but foolhardy courage and can be disposed of in one battle, while the rest are poor, rough stuff. What is their use, even if they number a million?”

  Kong Rong could not answer and Cao Cao laughed. “They are just as Xun Yu has described,” he said.

  Then Cao Cao issued orders. Two officers, Liu Dai and Wang Zhong, were to lead an army of 50,000 men to attack Liu Bei in Xuzhou, displaying banners bearing his name.

  This Liu Dai had been governor of Yanzhou but had surrendered to Cao Cao after the fall of the city. Cao Cao had given him a rank in his army and so he was asked to accompany Wang Zhong on the expedition.

  Cao Cao himself took command of a large army of 200,000 men for a simultaneous attack on Yuan Shao at Liyang.

  When Cheng Yu pointed out to him that Liu Dai and Wang Zhong were unequal to their task, Cao Cao said that he was aware of this. “They are not meant to fight Liu Bei,” he said. “It is merely a feint.” Then he said to the two officers: “Do not make any rash attacks until I have overcome Yuan Shao. Liu Bei will be the next to be destroyed.”

  Liu Dai and Wang Zhong’s army went forth at the same time as Cao Cao marched out his grand army to Liyang, where Yuan Shao’s forces were positioned some eighty li away. Both sides dug trenches and made fortified camps, but made no move. This went on for two months.

  There was dissension in Yuan Shao’s camp. Xu You was in conflict with his colleague, Sheng Bei, and Ju Shou resented the rejection of his plan. So they were at war with each other and would not consider how to deal with their real enemy. Yuan Shao also could not make up his mind. Tired of the inaction, Cao Cao then ordered several of his officers to occupy key points of defense while he himself marched back to Xudu.

  Now the army sent against Liu Bei encamped a hundred li from Xuzhou. In the center were banners bearing the name of Cao Cao, but no attacks followed. Their spies were very busy finding out about the war in the north. On the other side, Liu Bei, since he was uncertain of the strength of the force against him, dared not move either. He, too, was trying to get news of the war between Yuan Shao and Cao Cao.

  Suddenly, orders came for the Cao army to launch an attack against Liu Bei and then discord rose between the two officers.

  Liu Dai said, “The prime minister has ordered an attack on the city—you advance.”

  Wang Zhong replied, “But the prime minister named you first.”

  “I’m the commander in chief—it’s not my place to go first.”

  “Then let’s go together,” said Wang Zhong.

  “We’ll draw lots and let it be decided by fate,” said Liu Tai.

  They drew lots and it fell to Wang Zhong, who was compelled to advance toward Xuzhou with half the force.

  When Liu Bei heard of the threatened attack he called Chen Deng for consultation.

  Liu Bei said, “There is dissension in Yuan Shao’s camp at Liyang, so they do not advance. We do not know where Cao Cao is. They say his personal banner is not displayed in the Liyang camp. Why, then, is it shown here?’

  Chen Deng replied, “His tricks take a hundred forms. He certainly regards the north as more important and has gone there to supervise, but he deliberately shows his flag here instead of there, and I feel sure it is only meant to mislead us. He cannot be here.”

  Then Liu Bei asked his two brothers, “Which one of you will go and find out the truth?”

  Zhang Fei volunteered at once.

  “You’re unsuited for this,” said Liu Bei. “You’re too impetuous.”

  “If Cao Cao’s here then I’ll haul him out!” said Zhang Fei.

  “Let me go first and find out,” said Guan Yu.

  “If you go I’ll have no fear,” said Liu Bei.

  So Guan Yu set out with 3,000 soldiers. It was then early winter and snow was falling from a somber sky. Braving the snow, they deployed near Wang Zhong’s camp. Guan Yu rode out and summoned Wang Zhong to a parley.

  “The prime minister is here—why don’t you surrender?” said Wang Zhong.

  “Ask him to come to the front. I have something to say to him,” replied Guan Yu.

  “Is the prime minister likely to come out to see someone like you?”

  Guan Yu angrily dashed forward and Wang Zhong set his spear to meet him. Guan Yu rode till he came close to his antagonist, then suddenly wheeled away. Wang Zhong went after him, following up a slope. Just as they passed over the crest, Guan Yu turned back and, with a mighty shout he flourished his weighty sword. Wang Zhong could not withstand it and fled. But Guan Yu, shifting the huge sword to his left hand, laid hold of his victim with his right hand by the straps of the man’s breastplate, lifted him out of the saddle, and rode away to his own lines with the captive laid across the pommel of his saddle. Wang Zhong’s men scattered.

  The captive was brought to Xuzhou, where he was summoned into the presence of Liu Bei.

  “Who are you? What office do you hold? How dare you falsely display the ensigns of the prime minister?” asked Liu Bei.

  “I was simply obeying orders,” said Wang Zhong. “The prime minister told me to give the impression that he was present. Really he is not there.”

  Liu Bei treated him kindly, giving him food and clothing, but put him in prison till his colleague could be captured.

  Guan Yu said, “I know you have peaceful intentions in mind so I have captured the man instead of slaying him.”
  Liu Bei said to Zhang Fei, “I was afraid that with your hasty and impulsive temper you would have slain this man, so I could not send you. There is no advantage in killing persons of this sort. While alive, they are often useful for amicable settlements.”

  At this Zhang Fei said, “You’ve got this Wang Zhong; now I’ll go and capture the other man.”

  “Be careful,” said his elder brother. “Liu Dai was once governor of Yanzhou and he was one of the lords who fought at Tigertrap Pass to destroy Dong Zhuo. He’s not to be treated lightly.”

  “I don’t think he’s worth mentioning. I’ll bring him in alive, just as my brother did with this other.”

  “But if you kill him, it’ll upset my great design,” said Liu Bei.

  “If I do, I’ll forfeit my own life,” said Zhang Fei.

  So he was also given 3,000 men for the task.

  The capture of his colleague made Liu Dai careful. He strengthened his defenses and stayed behind them. He took no notice of the daily challenges and continual insults that followed Zhang Fei’s arrival.

  After some days Zhang Fei thought of a plan. He ordered his men to prepare a raid on the enemy’s camp that night, but he himself spent the day drinking. Pretending to be very intoxicated he intentionally found fault with a soldier, who was severely flogged and then bound by his hands and feet in the camp. Zhang Fei said, “Wait till I am ready to sally forth tonight—you will be offered as a sacrifice to the flag.” At the same time he gave secret orders to the guards to let the man escape.

  The man crept out of camp and went over to the enemy, to whom he betrayed Zhang Fei’s plan of a night attack. As the man bore signs of savage punishment, Liu Dai did not suspect his tale. He made careful arrangements, setting his men in ambush outside his camp so that it was empty.

  That night, however, Zhang Fei divided his men into three parties, and only thirty men were ordered to make a show of attacking the camp and lighting a fire. Two larger bodies of men were to go round to the rear of the camp and attack simultaneously, once they saw the fire started.