The Three Kingdoms Volume 1 Read online

Page 13

  “How could I be grateful enough for such a kindness?”

  “She would be most fortunate if she could wait on you,” said Wang Yun.

  Dong Zhuo thanked his host again and again.

  Then orders were given to prepare a closed carriage and send Sable Cicada to the prime minister’s house.

  Soon after that, Dong Zhuo also took his leave and his host accompanied him the whole way.

  When he was riding back, Wang Yun saw Lu Bu on horseback, halberd in hand, escorted by two lines of men with red lamps. Seeing Wang Yun he at once reined in, seized him by the sleeve, and said angrily: “You promised Cicada to me and now you have given her to the prime minister—what foolery is this?”

  Wang Yun checked him. “This is no place to talk—please come to my house.”

  Lu Bu followed him to his place, where he was led into the inner hall. After the usual exchange of polite greetings Wang Yun asked, “Why do you blame me, General?”

  “Somebody told me that you had sent Cicada to the prime minister’s house in a covered carriage. What does it mean?”

  “So you have not been told yet! Yesterday, when I was at court, the prime minister told me that he would come to my house today as he needed to talk to me. So naturally I prepared for his coming and while we were at dinner he said, ‘I was told that you have a daughter named Sable Cicada and you have promised to give her to my son Feng-xian. I was afraid you might not be serious, so I have come to ask for his sake. Besides, I would like to see her.’ I could not say no, so I told her to come out and bow to her father-in-law. Then he said that it was a lucky day and he would take her away with him and marry her to you. Just think, when the prime minister had come himself, could I stop him?”

  “Please forgive me,” said Lu Bu, “I was confused just now. I owe you an apology.”

  “The girl has some trousseau, which I will send as soon as she has gone over to your dwelling.”

  Lu Bu thanked him and went away. The next day he went into Dong Zhuo’s house to find out the truth, but could hear nothing. Then he made his way into the private quarters and questioned the maids. They told him that the prime minister had brought home a new girl the night before and was not up yet. Lu Bu was very angry. He crept behind his master’s bedroom and peeped.

  By this time Cicada had risen and was combing her hair at the window. Looking out she saw a long shadow fall across the pond. She recognized the headdress and, shooting a stealthy glance, saw it was none other than Lu Bu. Then she contracted her eyebrows, simulating the deepest grief, and with her dainty handkerchief she wiped her eyes again and again. Lu Bu stood watching her for a long time. Then he went out.

  Soon after, he went inside again. His master was sitting in the central hall. Seeing his henchman Dong Zhuo asked: “Is everything all right outside?”

  “Yes,” was the reply and he waited while Dong Zhuo took his breakfast. As he stood beside his master he glanced toward the embroidered curtain and saw a female peeping out from behind it, showing half of her face from time to time and throwing amorous glances at him. He felt it was his beloved and his thoughts flew to her. Dong Zhuo noticed his infatuated expression and began to feel suspicious.

  “In that case, you may go,” he said.

  Lu Bu sulkily withdrew.

  Dong Zhuo now thought of nothing but his new mistress and for more than a month neglected all affairs, devoting himself entirely to pleasure. Once, he was a little indisposed and Cicada was always at his side, gratifying his every whim. He grew more and more fond of her.

  One day Lu Bu went to inquire after his father’s health. Dong Zhuo was asleep and Cicada was sitting at the head of his couch. Leaning forward she gazed at the young man, with her hand pointing first at her heart, then at the sleeping old man, and her tears fell. Lu Bu felt heartbroken.

  Dong Zhuo drowsily opened his eyes, and, seeing his son’s gaze fixed on something behind him, turned over and saw who it was. He angrily rebuked Lu Bu, “How dare you seduce my love?” He told the servants to turn him out and banned him from entering the inner quarters again.

  Lu Bu went off in a fury. On his way home he met the advisor Li Ru, and related to him the cause of his anger. The latter hastened to see his master and said: “Sir, you aspire to be ruler of the state, why do you blame Lu Bu for a small offense? If he turns against you, it is all over.”

  “What can I do then?” asked his master.

  “Recall him tomorrow and treat him well. Overwhelm him with gifts and fair words and all will be well.”

  So Dong Zhuo sent for the young warrior the next day and was very gracious to him.

  “I was irritable and confused yesterday owing to my illness. I know I wronged you. Don’t take it to heart,” he said.

  He gave Lu Bu ten catties of gold and twenty rolls of brocade. And so they made up. But although the young warrior’s body was with him, his heart flew to his promised bride.

  His peace of mind restored, Dong Zhuo went to court and Lu Bu followed him as usual. But seeing him deep in conversation with the Emperor, Lu Bu, armed as always, went out of the palace and rode off to Dong Zhuo’s residence. He tied up his steed at the entrance and, halberd in hand, went to the private quarters to seek his love. When he found her, she told him to wait for her beside Fengyi Pavilion and she would join him soon. Taking his halberd with him, he went into the back garden and leaned against the railing of the pavilion to wait for her.

  After a long time she appeared, swaying gracefully as she made her way, brushing the drooping willows and parting the dainty flowers. She was exquisite, a perfect little fairy from the Palace of the Moon. Tears were in her eyes as she came up and said: “Though I’m not my master’s real daughter, yet he treated me as his own child. The desire of my life was fulfilled when I was betrothed to you. But oh! To think of the wickedness of the prime minister, violating my poor self as he did. I suffered so much. I longed to die, only that I had not told you the truth. So I lived on in shame and humiliation. Now that I have seen you I can end it all. My poor sullied body is no longer fit to serve a hero. I will die before your eyes to prove how true I am!”

  So speaking she seized the curving rail as if to jump into the lotus pond. Lu Bu caught her in his strong arms and wept as he held her close.

  “I know. I’ve always known your heart,” he sobbed. “Only we never had a chance to talk to each other.”

  She threw her arms about him. “If I can’t be your wife in this life, I will in my next one,” she whispered.

  “If I can’t marry you in this life, I’m no hero,” he replied.

  “Every day is a year long to me. Oh, please! Have pity on me! Rescue me!”

  “I’ve only stolen away for a brief moment and I’m afraid the old scoundrel will suspect something. I mustn’t stay too long,” he said.

  The girl clung to his robe.

  “If you fear the old rascal so much, I will never be able to see the sunlight.”

  Lu Bu stopped. “Give me a little time to think,” he said. And he picked up his halberd to go.

  “In the deep seclusion of my chamber I heard stories of your prowess. I thought you were the one man who excelled all others. Little did I expect you of all men to rest content under the dominion of another.” And tears welled up in her eyes again.

  A wave of shame flooded his face. Leaning his halberd against the railing he turned and clasped the girl to his breast, soothing her with fond words. The lovers held each other close, swaying to and fro with emotion, unable to tear themselves apart.

  In the meantime, Dong Zhuo missed his escort and suspicion rose in his heart. Hastily taking leave of the Emperor, he mounted his chariot and returned home. There at the gate stood Lu Bu’s well-known steed, but the rider was nowhere to be seen. He questioned the doorkeepers and they told him that the young master was inside. He sent away his attendants and went alone to the inner hall, but Lu Bu was not there. He called Cicada, but she did not reply. The waiting maids told him that she had go
ne to the garden to look at the flowers.

  So he went into the garden and there he saw the lovers in the pavilion in most tender talk. Lu Bu’s halberd was leaning on the railing beside him.

  A howl of rage escaped Dong Zhuo and startled the lovers. Lu Bu turned, saw who it was, and fled. Dong Zhuo snatched the halberd and chased after him. But the young man was much faster and his master was too fat to catch up with him. So Dong Zhuo hurled the weapon at the runaway. Lu Bu fended it off and it fell to the ground. Dong Zhuo picked it up and ran on. By this time, however, Lu Bu was far ahead. Just as Dong Zhuo was turning at the garden gate he ran full tilt into another man dashing in, and down he went.

  Surging wrath within him heavenward leaps,

  Crashing to earth his obese body in a shapeless heap.

  Who knocked down Dong Zhuo will be told in the next chapter.


  * A title of great honor used by Emperor Wu during the Zhou Dynasty to address his chief minister, Lu Shang, to show that he respected the latter as if he were his senior.

  * Legendary kings of China in its earliest days.


  Lu Bu Helps Wang Yun Destroy the Tyrant

  Li Jue Seeks Counsel from Jia Xu on Attacking the Capital

  The person who collided with the indignant Dong Zhuo was Li Ru, his most trusted advisor. Li Ru at once helped his master to his feet and led him inside to the library, where they sat down.

  “What were you coming about?” asked Dong Zhuo.

  “I was coming to see you. When I got to the gate I was told that you had gone into the back garden in a fury to look for your adopted son. Then Lu Bu came running and crying out that you wanted to kill him, and I was coming in as fast as I could to plead for him when I accidentally collided with you. I am very sorry. I deserve death.”

  “The wretch! How could I bear to see him toy with my fair one? I will be the death of him yet.”

  “Your Lordship is making a mistake. Remember in the days of the Spring and Autumn, Prince Zhuang of the Kingdom of Chu did not punish the man who took liberties with his queen. His restraint stood him in good stead, for the same man fought desperately to save his life when he was hemmed in by enemy troops. After all, Cicada is only a woman, but Lu Bu is your trustiest warrior and most dreaded commander. If you took this chance to give the girl to him, your kindness would win his undying gratitude. I beg you, sir, to think it over.”

  Dong Zhuo thought for a long time. Then he said, “What you say is right. I will think it over.”

  Li Ru felt satisfied. He took leave of his master and went away. Dong Zhuo went to his room and called Cicada.

  “What were you doing there with Lu Bu?” he asked.

  She began to weep. “I was looking at flowers in the garden when he suddenly came. I was frightened and wanted to get away. He said that there was no need for me to avoid him as he was a son of the family. Then he pursued me right to the pavilion. He had that halberd in his hand all the time. I felt he had evil intentions and would force me to do his will, so I tried to throw myself into the lotus pond, but he caught me in his arms and held me so that I was helpless. Luckily, just at that moment you came and saved my life.”

  “Suppose I give you to him. What do you say?”

  She was so startled that she burst into tears.

  “After having been yours, to be given to a mere servant! Never! I would rather die.”

  And with this she grabbed a sword hanging on the wall to kill herself. Dong Zhuo snatched it from her hand in a hurry, and throwing his arms around her, cried: “I was only joking.”

  She lay back on his breast, hiding her face and sobbing bitterly. “This is the doing of that Li Ru,” she said. “He is much too thick with Lu Bu. So he suggested that, I know. Little does he care for your reputation or my life. Oh! I would like to eat him alive.”

  “Do you think I could bear to lose you?”

  “I know you love me yet I’m afraid this is no place for me to stay for long. That Lu Bu will certainly harm me if I do. I fear him.”

  “Don’t worry. You and I will go to Meiwu tomorrow, and we will be happy together.”

  She dried her tears and thanked him. The next day Li Ru came again to persuade Dong Zhuo to send the damsel to Lu Bu. “This is a propitious day,” he said.

  “With he and I standing as though father and son, I cannot very well do that,” said Dong Zhuo. “But I will say no more about his faults. You may tell him so and soothe him as well as you can.”

  “Do not be misled by that woman, sir,” said Li Ru.

  Dong Zhuo lost his temper. “Are you willing to give your wife to Lu Bu? Say no more about this. Otherwise you will be killed.”

  Li Ru went outside and, casting his eyes heavenward, he sighed: “We will all die at the hands of that girl!”

  A poem was written about this episode:

  Just introduce a woman,

  Conspiracies succeed;

  Of soldiers, or their weapons,

  There really is no need.

  Three times they fought at Hulao Pass,

  And in vain doughty deeds were done;

  But in a garden summer house,

  The victory was won.

  Dong Zhuo gave an order to journey to Meiwu and the whole body of officials assembled again to cheer them on their way. Cicada, from her carriage, saw Lu Bu among the crowd. She at once dropped her eyes and assumed an appearance of deepest melancholy. After her carriage had disappeared in the distance, the disappointed lover reined in his steed on a mound, from where he gazed at the dust raised by the vehicle. Unutterable sadness and hatred filled his heart.

  Suddenly a voice behind him said, “Why don’t you accompany the prime minister, General, instead of standing here and sighing?”

  It was Wang Yun. “I have been confined to the house these days because of illness, so I have not seen you,” he continued. “I had to struggle out today to see the prime minister off. This meeting is most fortunate. But why were you sighing?”

  “Just on account of that damsel of yours,” said Lu Bu.

  Feigning great astonishment, Wang Yun said, “So long a time and yet not given to you!”

  “The old ruffian has kept her for himself.”

  “Surely this cannot be true.”

  Lu Bu related the whole story. Wang Yun listened in silence. Then he looked up and stamped his feet as with irritation and perplexity. After a long time he said, “I did not know he was such a beast.”

  Taking Lu Bu by the hand he said, “Come to my house and we will talk it over.”

  So Lu Bu went with him to his house and was led to a secret room. After some refreshments, Lu Bu told him again about his meeting with the girl in the garden, just as it had happened.

  “He seems to have violated my girl and stolen your wife. The whole episode will be a source of ridicule to the entire world. But people will not laugh at him. They will laugh at you and me. Alas! I am old and powerless and can do nothing. More is the pity! But you, General, you are a warrior, the greatest hero in the world. Yet you, too, have been put to this shame and exposed to this contempt.”

  Lu Bu became enraged. Banging the table he shouted and roared.

  His host ostentatiously tried to calm him. He said, “I forgot myself. I should not have spoken like that. Do not be so angry, General.”

  “I swear I will kill the ruffian. In no other way can I wash away my shame.”

  “No, no! Do not say such a thing,” said Wang Yun, putting his hand over the other’s mouth. “You will bring trouble to me.”

  “I’m a warrior. How can I be subdued for long under another man’s domination?” said Lu Bu.

  “It does need someone greater than the prime minister to curb such talents as yours.”

  Lu Bu said, “I would not mind killing the old wretch were it not for the relation in which we stand. I fear to provoke the hostile criticism of posterity.”

  His host smiled. “Your surname is Lu—his is Do
ng. Where was the paternal feeling when he threw the halberd at you?”

  “I nearly made a great mistake if you had not pointed this out to me,” said Lu Bu hotly.

  Seeing that Lu Bu had made up his mind, Wang Yun continued. “It will be a loyal deed to restore the House of Han, and your glorious name will be recorded in history and handed down to posterity. If you aid Dong Zhuo you will be a traitor and your name will stink for all time.”

  Lu Bu rose from his seat and bowed to Wang Yun. “I have decided,” he said. “Trust me, sir.”

  “But you may fail and bring great misfortune upon yourself,” said Wang Yun.

  Lu Bu drew his dagger and, pricking his arm, swore a solemn oath by the blood that flowed.

  Wang Yun fell on his knees and thanked him. “Then the line of Han will not be cut off, thanks to your efforts. But this must remain a secret. I will tell you how this is going to be worked out.”

  Lu Bu promised secrecy and departed.

  Wang Yun took two of his colleagues into confidence. One of them said, “The time is favorable. The Emperor has just recovered from his illness and we can dispatch an able emissary to Meiwu who will persuade Dong Zhuo to come here to discuss affairs. At the same time we will obtain a secret decree from the Emperor as authority for Lu Bu to act. Lay an ambush just inside the palace gate to kill Dong Zhuo as he enters. This is the best plan to adopt.”

  “But who will be bold enough to go?”

  “Li Su will be the right person. He comes from the same district as Lu Bu and is very angry with his master for not advancing him. His going will not excite any suspicions.”

  “Good,” said Wang Yun. “Let’s see what Lu Bu thinks of it.”

  When Lu Bu was consulted he told them that this man’s persuasive arguments had led him to kill Ding Yuan, his former benefactor. “If he should refuse this mission, I would kill him,” he said.

  So they sent for Li Su. When he arrived Lu Bu said: “Formerly you talked me into killing Ding Yuan and going over to Dong Zhuo. Now this Dong Zhuo bullied the Emperor and oppressed the people. His iniquities are so many that he is hated by both gods and men. I want you to go to Meiwu and say that you have a decree from the Emperor to summon him to the palace. When he comes he will be put to death. Thus we can restore the House of the Hans and you will have the credit of being a loyal official. Will you undertake this?”